30 minutes of authentic conversation around awareness and education of trauma and the journey of recovery, from a lived experience & professional perspective.
Imagine sitting around a table and having an open, honest and transparent discussion with your trusted friend. Nothing is off limits and the discussion is respectful, calm and insightful.
Welcome to #BreakingTheCycle #ToStepForward podcast with Chris and Beverley. This episode we are talking about How to check in with yourself - and this is an important Step in recovery from Abuse. We become so used to being triggered and the impact it has becomes "normal" so we are unable to recognize it at times or know what to do.
If this sounds like you or you know someone who would find this useful, please share to them.
If you have any questions and would like to contact us:
Chris: Sobbtc@outlook.com
Beverley: beverley@stepforward.co.uk
survivors of abuse.org